
AZ Planned Parenthood Chair: Calls For Riots After SCOTUS Ignores Abortion Emergency Request “BE READY TO BREAK SOME SHIT”

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The Chairwoman of Arizona’s Planned Parenthood Action chapter, Chris Love called for riots after SCOTUS ignored emergency requests to block the Texas Heartbeat Law.

BREAKING: Texas “Heartbeat” Law Takes Effect; Abortions After 6 Weeks ARE NOW ILLEGAL After SCOTUS Ignores Emergency Request to Block Law

The “heartbeat” law will effectively outlaw abortions in the state after 6 weeks and also gives any citizen – including those outside Texas – the right to take legal action against anyone who ‘aids and abets’ the termination of a pregnancy after the cut off point.

Love was absolutely triggered that SCOTUS had the gall to prevent unborn babies from being slaughtered.

Love: I mean, what exactly did you all expect?