
Covid Testing Facility Denies Candace Owens Service For ‘Spreading Misinformation, Discouraging Mask Wearing and Dissuading People From Taking Jab’ – CANDACE RESPONDS

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A Covid testing facility in Aspen denied Candace Owens service because she ‘spread misinformation, discouraged wearing of masks and dissuaded people from taking the Covid vaccine.’

Candace Owens posted the screenshots of the emails to her social media Wednesday night.

“I’ve just learned of this testing request and as the owner of this business am going to refuse this booking and deny service,” an email to Candace Owens from Rocky Mountain Labs read. “We cannot support anyone who has proactively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing and DISCOURAGING the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life-saving vaccinations.”

The email continued, “My team and myself have worked overtime, to exhaustion,