
Harry Hursti Is Back and Is Now Pushing for a Shoddy Election Audit in California on the Recall Election Not Yet Finalized

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Harry Hursti is at it again.

Harry Hursti was involved with UN, Facebook, and Smartmatic executives before the 2020 Election.  Then was identified along with many of the same officials trying to stop or derail 2020 Election audits.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: UN, US, Facebook and Smartmatic Executives Conspired Together Before the 2020 Election and Many of Same Officials Now Trying to Stop or Derail 2020 Election Audits Taking Place

Harry Hursti was selected by state officials to run a feigned audit in Windham, New Hampshire earlier this year.

Hursti was found ignoring issues in election equipment in the New Hampshire audit that he had uncovered a decade earlier.

EXCLUSIVE: Why is Auditor Harry Hursti,