
Antifa Shoots Samoan Protest Leader at “End the Mandate” Rally in Olympia, Washington (VIDEO)

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A protester was shot today in Olympia, Washington at an “End the Mandate” rally.

It appears the man who was shot in the leg was filming the event.
He filmed his own shooting.

Antifa called on supporters to confront the “Anti Vax Nazis” in a social media post this week before the rally.

Olympia WA Sylvester Park, bodies needed to counter Anti-Vaxx Fascists.

Be safe, be dangerous, watch out for each other pic.twitter.com/zYyyWoarWZ

— Seattle Protest Network (@SEAProtestNet) September 4, 2021

The protesters are heard saying, “That’s Tiny” who was shot — a Somoan activist.

Samoan right-wing activist Tusitala Toese was shot in Olympia,