
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Despite Tens of Thousands of Issues Already Identified in Arizona Audit, Likely Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Have No Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation

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On Friday the auditors in the Senate’s audit or Maricopa County’s 2020 Election results presented their results before the Arizona Senate.  Dr. Shiva’s work identified 17,000 ballots (envelopes) that were duplicated (much more than the 10,000 ballot election margin).  But there is much more in his report.

We noted on Friday after watching his presentation that Dr. Shiva identified numerous issues, including identifying over 17,000 duplicate ballots (envelopes) which is well over the margin of victory in the state.

Dr. Shiva at AZ Senate Hearing: Over 17,000 Total Duplicate Ballots — Votes By Those Who Voted More Than Once in Arizona — 1.5 Times Biden’s Winning Margin (VIDEO)

We then on Saturday combined Dr.