
National School Boards Association Begs Biden To Label Outraged Parents “Domestic Terrorists” and Use The Patriot Act Against Them

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Over the past year, school board meetings have become increasingly contentious events, as more and more outraged parents use their constitutionally protected rights to speak out against tyrannical covid mandates and the poisonous, anti-American critical race theory that is being taught to their children.

Instead of listening to the parents who pay their salaries, the woke school boards are responding by lobbying our dictator-in-chief to classify unruly parents who demand accountability as domestic terrorists.  

The growing backlash at these meetings has prompted the National School Boards Association to send a letter to Biden on Wednesday that begs him to use federal law enforcement agencies against parents and investigate them for “domestic terrorism and hate crime threats.” They shamelessly claim the situation is so dire that he should use the Patriot Act,