
After Nearly Collapsing the Economy in 2018, Fed Chief Jerome Powell Sold Between $1 and $5 Million of Stock Before the Market Sank in October 2020

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Corrupt Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, who nearly took down the American economy himself in 2018, sold between $1 and $5 million worth of stock last October before the market tanked.

After nearly tanking the US economy himself, crazy and corrupt Fed Chief Jerome Powell finally stopped increasing interests rates in early 2019.  He had a mandate to protect the American economy and he was not upholding it.

Lunatic Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed Trump Record Stock Market, Cost US Billions in New Debt, Trillions in Wealth and Sank the GDP – What a Disaster!

During seven years under the Obama Administration, the Fed kept rates at zero, but as soon as President Trump was voted in,