
Investigators Find MONSTER Fauci’s NIH Reportedly Gave $375K To Lab That Placed Live Beagle’s Heads In Cages Filled With Hungry Sand Flies That Ate Them Alive

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Dr. Fauci—is he the worst monster America has ever known or is he a hero, as the Democrat Party would like us to believe?

100 Percent Fed Up reports – In July 2020, In Style magazine featured a slick photo of Dr. Fauci poolside, wearing shades and looking very relaxed, while at the same time, he was asking Americans to remain hidden under their beds. The leftist media used every tool at their disposal to help push the propaganda that Dr. Fauci America’s “Good Doctor,” including doing personal stories about America’s highest-paid government worker and his bioethicist wife who is also paid by American taxpayers.

A special digital cover: Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, bioethicist Dr. Christine Grady spoke to @NorahODonnell about the battle against COVID-19,