
ADL Publishes Ridiculous Halloween Costume Guide Urging Parents to Avoid ‘Costumes That Perpetuate Gender Norms’

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The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry. The organization was historically a leading voice against anti-semitism in America. Not today.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published a ridiculous Halloween costume guide that urges parents to avoid costumes “that perpetuate gender norms.”

The guide also railed against the typical “offensive” costumes that use “cultural appropriation” or “cultural stereotypes.”

“Halloween is a week away and you and your family might be brainstorming costume ideas,” the ADL tweeted on Sunday. “Check out our resource for reminders about how and why to avoid cultural appropriation, cultural stereotypes, and costumes that perpetuate gender norms.”

Halloween is a week away and you and your family might be brainstorming costume ideas.