
Former DNI John Ratcliffe Turned Over 1,000 Documents to John Durham – Expects MANY MORE Indictments (VIDEO)

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Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures yesterday morning.

DNI Ratcliffe told Maria Bartiromo that he turned over 1,000 documents to John Durham that implicate Hillary Clinton and Democrat operatives and likely top government officials in criminal activity that would be the basis for further indictments.

We now know that the top DOJ and FBI officials knew that Trump-Russia collusion was a hoax from the beginning and yet they ran with it anyway to destroy his administration and remove him from office.

When will James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and Hillary Clinton operatives face justice for destroying numerous lives and attempting a coup of an American president — all based on evidence that they knew at the time was a complete lie?