
Young Patriot Tony Chung Who Led the Student Movement for Freedom in Hong Kong Sentenced to 43 Months Under New China Law

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In May of 2020 President Trump had the guts to call out China on its many abuses.  (I was in Hong Kong at that time and people there loved President Trump and praised him for his strength and courage.)

The People of Hong Kong Praise President Trump for Yesterday’s Speech on China – “He Said What We All Are Thinking”

Within a year, China had used COVID to destroy the free country, leaving its economy in shambles.

China Used the China Coronavirus to Destroy Freedoms in Hong Kong and Punish Protesters

Then China started arresting politicians for their beliefs in freedom.

Seven Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Leaders are Convicted Under New China Law and Face Up to Five Years in Prison

Now Newsmax is reporting:

The former leader of Hong Kong pro-independence group Studentlocalism was sentenced on Tuesday to a total of 43 months in prison for trying to separate the city from China,