
EXCLUSIVE: TikTok Censors Popular Animal Vlogger For Posting Law Enforcement Raiding His Home

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The social media app TikTok has censored popular animal content creator Rico Exotic for “violating applicable laws” by posting his home being raided by police over his grivet monkey.

Exotic has nearly 2 million followers on the platform.

The 22-year-old, whose real name is Eric (his last name is not public for privacy reasons), just bought his first home in Euclid over the summer. He maintains that he spoke to the Ohio Department of Agriculture and state Department of Fish and Wildlife before he bought the house and that they had told him the primate was fine.

However, as his popularity on TikTok began to skyrocket and he approached two million followers, law enforcement began harassing him over his unusual pets — which he fondly refers to as his “kin.”

His wholesome and viral vlogs are typically about his day-to-day life with his rescue raccoon,