
DEVELOPING: McConnell in Private Talks with Schumer to Waive Filibuster to Raise Debt Ceiling – McCarthy, Several Republican Senators Push Back

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Mitch McConnell

According to CNN reporter Manu Raju, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is in private talks with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to waive the filibuster to raise the debt ceiling.

The process would be complicated but McConnell is entertaining the idea to give Joe Biden and the Democrats another win.

The House would have to approve a rule for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual budget for the Pentagon – and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is NOT on board.

Kevin McCarthy opposes an effort to create a new process to raise debt ceiling through the NDAA, according to his spokesman.

“He is opposed to NDAA and debt limit being tied together in any way,