
CEO Who Laid Off 900 Employees on a Zoom Call Is Taking Time Off Immediately per His Company’s Board

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The CEO who laid off 900 workers in a Zoom which we reported on a couple days ago, is taking some time off starting immediately.

On Thursday we reported that Better.com CEO Vishal Garg laid off 900 of his employees on a Zoom call.

Heartless CEO of Better.com Fires 900 People at One Time on a ZOOM Call (VIDEO)

Yesterday it was reported by the far-left Daily Beast that Garg is “taking time off immediately”.

BREAKING: https://t.co/msXw0HwsWa CEO Vishal Garg is “taking time off effective immediately,” as employees revolt over a mass layoff he executed in brutal fashion at the start of the month https://t.co/pjKJYN7P4W

— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) December 10,