
13 YEARS AGO TODAY – Junk Scientist Al Gore Incorrectly Predicted North Pole Would Be ICE FREE in Five Years – And the Global Warming Craze Began

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On December 13, 2008, junk scientist Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice-free in five years.

And the global warming hysteria began.

Gore made the prediction to a German audience on December 13, 2008. Al warned them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”  The Gateway Pundit reported on this at the time.

“Five Years”

This wasn’t the only time Al Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore had been predicting dire scenario since 2007. That means that the North Pole should have melted completely 14 years ago today.

Junk scientist Al Gore also made the same prediction in 2009.  » READ MORE