
Wall Street Journal Labels Pelosi’s Price Tag on Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ the “Lie of the Year” – It’s a Financial Disaster

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Biden’s Build Back Better bill is officially labeled the “Lie of the Year”.  No surprise there.

Steve Elliott at Grassfire reports:

In an op-ed posted last night, The Wall Street Journal shockingly referred to the Democrats’ $4.9-trillion “Build Back Better” boondoggle as the “Big Con.” The newspaper’s editorial board is actually suggesting that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and other Democrats “call the whole thing off.”

The WSJ insists the bill is “fiscal fantasy.” As for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claim that the tax-and-spend plan is “fully paid for,” they call that “the lie of the year.” Ouch.

The Daily Wire also discussed the WSJ’s comments:

President Joe Biden and his Democratic allies have consistently said that Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Plan’ will add zero dollars to the deficit.