
Outraged Parents DEMAND Answers After LEAKED Training Audio Exposes California Middle School Teachers Conspiring to Hide LGBTQ Indoctrination From Parents

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Last Wednesday, more than 150 outraged parents packed a Salinas, California school board meeting to voice their frustrations over teachers who were caught in November on leaked audio recordings discussing their plans to recruit middle schoolers into a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club by disguising the name and hiding their actions from parents.

Jessica Konen, who claims the school staff at Buena Vista Middle School in Salinas indoctrinated her then 12-year-old daughter by recruiting her into a deceptively-named “equality club” that was actually a radical LGBTQ club, was one of about 30 furious parents who spoke during an extended public comment period during the meeting.

After school officials referred to the accusations as a “mistake,” Konen absolutely eviscerated the school board for downplaying the seriousness of its teachers and staff coaching and manipulating her now gender dysphoric daughter and others through nefarious means and colluding to hide it from parents.