
LIVE: Reawaken America Tour Arizona Runs this Weekend – Speakers Include Rep. Mark Finchem, Sen. Wendy Rogers, GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Eric Trump, Charlie Kirk, Gen. Michael Flynn

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Conservative entrepreneur Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour stopped in Phoenix for a two-day convention that started today.

Today’s event is set to feature speeches on election integrity by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, State Representative Mark Finchem, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward.

Arizona led the nation in election integrity with a full forensic audit of the 2020 election by the Arizona State Senate.

The audit found evidence that hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots were counted in Maricopa County alone.

Additional investigations across Arizona have discovered tens of thousands of more alleged fictitious votes and potentially fraudulent votes.

The Arizona Attorney General received all evidence from Maricopa County almost four months ago and he has opened a criminal investigation into the fraud.