
“Will Morning Joe Be Canceled? He and Mika’s Ratings Are Very Low” – Trump Destroys MSDNC in Epic Fashion

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This never gets old.

President Trump ripped MSDNC, Joe Scarborough, his sidekick Mika, and “racist” Joy Reid in an epic statement on Monday morning.

Via Liz Harrington.

President Donald J .Trump:

“Will Morning Joe be canceled? He and Mika’s ratings are very low—they are having an extremely hard time finding an audience to listen to the Fake News they spurn. Losing them would be very sad—hope it doesn’t happen! On another front, looks like Unjoy Reid, the racist commentator on MSDNC (MSNBC), is toast. Her stupidity is only surpassed by her absolute lack of television persona. She never had it, and never will. The only thing she’s good at is spewing racist hate but obviously,