
SURE IT DID… China Claims Its GDP Grew 8.1% in 2021 Yet a Quarter of Its Economy Tanked Last Year

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This sounds like the Chinese economic reporting of old. 

China’s Chairman Mao in the late 1950’s instigated his Great Leap Forward.  Lee Edwards, PhD, at the Heritage Foundation described it this way:

The most inhumane example of Mao’s contempt for human life came when he ordered the collectivization of China’s agriculture under the ironic slogan, the “Great Leap Forward.” A deadly combination of lies about grain production, disastrous farming methods (profitable tea plantations, for example, were turned into rice fields), and misdistribution of food produced the worse famine in human history.

Deaths from hunger reached more than 50 percent in some Chinese villages. The total number of dead from 1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million — the population of California.