
AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes

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Hunter Biden swimming with a hooker and J6 Defendant Pam Hamphill a cancer survivor and grandmother.

News broke on Tuesday morning that Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to multiple criminal charges according to CNN.

After five years of investigation the Biden DOJ found Hunter Biden guilty of TWO MISDEMEANORS and ONE GUN CHARGE!

Hunter’s laptop from Hell contained evidence and classified information Joe Biden gave his son who then turned it over to foreign officials for profit. The laptop also contained evidence that Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in multi-million dollar foreign bribery schemes. And, of course, the laptop contained evidence of Hunter Biden’s illegal drug use and prostitute orgies.

Today’s news was more evidence of the complete bastardization of the US Justice System.