
Two MSM Papers FINALLY Cover Hunter Biden Bombshell, But Hide It On Page 15

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Hunter Biden was all smiles when he joined “the big guy” on Thursday evening for a State Dinner with Indian Prime Minister Modi.

And why not smile when you have friends in the Media to help bury the truth about your dirty dealings!

On Friday, two legacy MSM Papers finally covered the Hunter Biden bombshell revelations from IRS whistleblowers, but they made sure to bury it.

While the front pages of The New York Times and Washington Post covered the Titan Submarine and the recent visit of India’s Prime Minister, the two papers hid the negative news from IRS whistleblowers about Hunter on page A15.

The Daily Caller reports:

The NYT ran a story on the bottom of page A15 titled “Hunter Biden Used Father’s Name to Pressure Associate in ’17,