
Far Left Presidential Candidate Cornel West Weighs in: Biden Committed ‘Crime Against Humanity’ Against Black Americans

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Democrats are already jittery about far left academic Cornel West throwing his hat into the 2024 presidential race as a likely Green Party candidate.

In 2016, the Green Party played an outsized role in tipping the election to Donald Trump.
Now, with Cornel West as their likely nominee, they could easily do it again.
Risky business,

— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) July 7, 2023

West’s latest comments on Joe Biden will not make it any easier for them.

In an exclusive interview with The New York Post, West hammered Joe Biden’s record on racial issues and called his history with black Americans nothing short of a “crime against humanity.”

West pointed to the federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act Biden sponsored as a senator in 1994 as being responsible for spurring mass incarceration among minorities.