
Win for AfriForum in South Africa: “Calling for the Slaughtering of White People” is Hate Speech

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State broadcaster SABC Interviews activist wearing “Kill All White People” T-Shirt


South African civil rights group AfriForum has achieved a major win in reversing the ruling by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) that talk about “calling for the slaughtering of white people” is not Hate Speech. President Cyril Ramaphosa called for a “return to militancy”and “revolution.”

In a Nov. 7, 2016 speech, the leader of the radical Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters Julius Malema called for “White People” to be racially dispossessed of their land and property and ownership transferred into the “hands of the people” from whom it had been “stolen”.

“Victory will only be victory if the land is restored in the hands of rightful owners.