
WHAT A SHAME: The Liberal Washington Post is on Track to Lose $100 Million in 2023

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The Washington Post is looking at a massive loss of $100 million in 2023. The paper experienced a boom during the Trump years but Joe Biden has been terrible for business.

Of course, the paper could have avoided some of this by reporting honestly and covering Biden’s scandals with the same energy that they obsessed over Trump, but they’re not going to do that.

Progressives have ruined this once highly respected organization.

RedState reports:

The Washington Post Is Facing a Financial Buzzsaw

The Washington Post has big problems, and this time, it’s not just the loss of the outlet’s credibility, though that’s an evergreen issue.

The once-storied newspaper is staring at a massive $100 million loss in 2023 due to the continued hemorrhaging of subscribers following the 2020 election.