
Niger: France and Russia Struggle for Influence in the Major Uranium Producer – African ‘Democracies’ Threaten Military Action, and the ‘Coup Association’ Nations Vow To Defend Nigerian Neighbors

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Many people’s first reaction upon hearing of the coup d’état in Niger was of complete lack of surprise and of interest.

But once you realize the larger geopolitical forces at play, you realize that it’s not ‘just another African coup’, but rather is a part of a tectonic shift in the region that may have planetary repercussions.

New Nigerian leader, General Abdourahamane Tchiani.

The rebelling military arrested and deposed Niger president Mohamed Bazoum, and proceeded to install General Abdourahamane Tchiani as the new leader. Reactions came from everywhere, specially from the former colonial power France.

Thousands of people flocked to the streets in Niger to protest against France and West African threats. Chaos erupted outside French Embassy,