
“The Report Speaks for Itself” – Michigan State Police Officer Stands By His Explosive Report on the Massive GBI Strategies Registration Scandal

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As reported earlier at The Gateway Pundit – Democrat operatives were caught in October 2020 in Muskegon, Michigan, a city of 38,000, dropping off 8,000 to 10,000 fraudulent voter registrations in a single drop. Many with the same handwriting and fake addresses. Police investigated (report attached) and found guns with silencers, burner phones, rental cars, and temporary businesses where registrations were stored.

All of these efforts were funded by Democrat campaigns to GBI Strategies.  The firm in Muskegon was not only filling in bogus registrations by the thousand but they were also sending packages of registrations to nearby communities.

GBI Strategies was operating in at least 20 states and all of the battleground states.

Please review our previous reports to understand how MASSIVE nature of this Democrat-funded nationally organized criminal syndicate.