
Victor Reacts: Michigan Transgender “Woman” Sues Ex-Boyfriend Over Amputated Testicles (VIDEO)

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As the Gateway Pundit reported in what is truly one of the most bizarre stories to date, a Muslim transgender “woman” is suing their former boyfriend over their hostage testicles.

“A Michigan trans Muslim woman is suing her former boyfriend to retrieve her balls that are sitting in his refrigerator.

Brianna Kingsley says William Wojciechowski is holding her testicles and won’t let them go.

She wants her balls back.” 

Transgender ‘Muslim’ Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge https://t.co/rGSOgCENzQ pic.twitter.com/ZZoeAiwkgU

— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) August 6, 2023

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