
CNN’s Jake Tapper Gets Testy as Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin Dodges Question on Kamala Harris as Biden’s Best Running Mate (VIDEO)

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In a recent interview with CNN, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) sidestepped a straightforward question about whether he believes Kamala Harris is the best running mate for Joe Biden.

“It’s just a simple question. Do you think Kamala Harris is the best running mate for President Biden? You’ve said she’s excellent, that’s farther than Speaker Pelosi went. But do you think she’s… I’m not trying to throw anything into turmoil. I actually think it’s a pretty simple question. Do you think Kamala Harris is the best running mate for President Biden? Yes or no?” Tapper asked.

Instead of a direct answer, Rep. Raskin responded, “I don’t know what else can say other than she is an excellent running mate and an excellent vice president.