
Mich. Dems Passing Bill Making “Intimidating” Election Officials a Felony, Want to Imprison Ballot Challengers

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Michigan State Representative Kara Hope (D) has written two bills, HB 41294130, which criminalize “intimidating” an election official.

Michigan State Rep. Kara Hope (D), sponsor of the bills

America First patriots who have fought for election integrity for years are concerned that these bills are just a thinly-veiled effort to put them in prison for challenging fraudulent ballots in the 2024 election cycle. This would match the ongoing effort by leftists to prosecute, harass, persecute, Donald Trump to keep him off the ballot in 2024.

The proposed Michigan bill reads, in relevant part:

Sec. 931b. (1) An individual shall not intimidate an election official.

(2) An individual shall not prevent an election official from performing the election official’s duties.