
Lesbian Marxist Laphonza Butler of Maryland Sworn in to Replace Feinstein as California’s Newest Senator (VIDEO)

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Radical Marxist lesbian Laphonza Butler was sworn in as California’s newest Senator on Tuesday.

Butler replaced the late Dianne Feinstein.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) appointed abortion activist Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s vacant Senate seat.

Laphonza Butler lived in Maryland and registered to vote there LAST YEAR prior to Newsom choosing her as Feinstein’s replacement.

California’s newest Senator Laphonza Butler literally lives in Maryland and registered to vote here LAST YEAR https://t.co/0Ps00L3Nuq pic.twitter.com/YImmk48n5y

— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) October 2, 2023

Kamala Harris swore Laphonza Butler in on Tuesday.


Our newest Senator… the Honorable @LaphonzaB Laphonza Butler from the great state of California!!!