
Lead Stories Publishes ANOTHER Fake “Fact Check” on Gateway Pundit’s Reporting – This Time on Mayo Clinic’s Position on Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in treating COVID

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Lead Stories wrote a ‘fact check’ about an article in the Gateway Pundit.

Here is their fact check, and here is the archived link to their fact check.

As usual, Lead Stories is completely wrong and negligently so about Gateway Pundit reporting.

Lead Stories Violated their Own Rules When Crafting this ‘FactCheck’

As per their factcheck guidelines, they claim to reach out to the reporters and editors of publications before publishing a factcheck like this, and having asked the author of the original article Anthony Scott, and the Gateway Pundit editors, whether they received any email or notice from Lead Stories, we were not surprised to learn that the answer was “no.” So Lead Stories is breaking its own rules to publish this hit piece in the first place.