
Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This? (VIDEO)

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What the hell is going on?  A semi-trailer of illegal aliens unloading in Pearsall, Texas, was captured on video and it is going viral.

In the video, what appears to be 100 illegal aliens are being unloaded in the small Texas town 100 miles from the Mexican border.  Pearsall had a population of 9,240 up until this semi-trailer was unloaded.  The small city prides itself on being safe.

This video shows the total disregard for Americans that the Democrats and the Obama/Biden Administration have.  Everyone knows it is wrong to allow people to walk into your house or country without knowing who they are or what their purpose is.

This is insane and unAmerican – the Instagram post reads:


🆘They’re still coming 🆘PEARSALL,