Is Breakthrough Guitar Legitimate?

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A new guitar course has popped up that claims to reveal secrets to success with this groundbreaking course. With a wealth of knowledge on the subject, she’s become one of the most respected guitar masters in today’s society and now you can learn all about it too!

The Breakthrough Guitar Course is an online program that promises many benefits for those who take part. You will be taught how to play by feel so as not to rely solely on sheet music when learning new pieces; there are 10s of thousands of students that have joined this course.

Is Breakthrough Guitar a Scam?

I always think its funny when people ask this question. I will start by saying that just because it is on the INTERNET does not mean its a scam. Are there reviews? Yes. Is there a refund policy? Yes. Are there unhappy people? Always. Then, no, its not a scam.

People tend to jump to that conclusion too quickly without ever really taking a step towards whatever they claim will help them.

I’ve tried out this course and I was blown away by the teaching and how clear it is. Its easy to understand and it really did help my BREAKTHROUGH on guitar.

You can watch an interview from their found here where he talks about why he created this system:

If you are still on the fence about joining breakthrough guitar than go spend $50 an hour on another guitar teacher or go watch another 100 hours of youtube videos that haven’t done anything for your playing. Or you can join their free course and see if it could actually work for you.

Here is a link (not an affiliate) to check out their free course: Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment

They also have this blog article that is a really good read titled: Don’t Learn Pentatonic Scales