
Trevor Noah Calls Police in the US a “Rotten Tree” – Conveniently Forgets the Homicide Rate in His Home Country is 6 Times That of US

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Earlier this week “Daily Show” host and woke “comedian” Trevor Noah slammed American police saying policing in the United States comes from a “rotten tree.”

Trevor Noah comes from South Africa which has a homicide rate six times that of the US.
South Africa has a homicide rate of 33.97 compared to the US that has a homicide rate of 5.35.

Trevor Noah put out his thoughts on Twitter: “I think there are many people who are good on the police force. That’s why they join, because they want to do good. But I think [we don’t see them] because they themselves know that if they do something, that’s going against the system.”

“The system is more powerful than any individual.