
Myth of Systemic Racism: 10% of White Homicide Victims Were Killed by Cops, 3% of Black Homicide Victims Were Killed By Cops – Blacks Die at Homicide Rate 13 TIMES That of Whites!

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Heather MacDonald, the author of The Diversity Delusion, joined Rob Schmitt on Newsmax TV on Wednesday night to discuss the current racial climate of lies in America.

Heather is an outspoken critic of the “woke mob” and their lies about policing in America today.

on Wednesday night MacDonald broke down the FACTS on police shootings in America today.
This was NOT something you will hear on ANY of the mainstream fake news channels.

Heather MacDonald:  We have a crime problem in this country. We do not have a police problem.   We have been talking about phantom police racism for the past three decades obsessively so as to turn our eyes away from the cultural breakdown that you so rightly spoke about,