
Washington State Department of Health Allows Vaccination Sites to Deny Vaccines to White People to ‘Address Inequities’

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Whites are not welcome, says at least one vaccination site in Washington state.

The Washington Department of Health spokeswoman Kristen Maki said people of color are being prioritized to ‘address inequities.’

“Prioritization is designed to address current inequities and barriers to accessing vaccine, and get the people who are at highest risk vaccinated first while federal vaccine supply remains limited,” Maki said.

The African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry (AARTH) is one of the vaccine providers in Washington state and they are forcing people who sign up for an appointment online to identify their race.

White people will be denied an appointment and automatically put on a standby list.

“Part of the reason we ask that is because of the funding that we receive,” AARTH consultant Twanda Hill told the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH.