
Black Parent Blasts Virginia School Board Over Sexually Explicit Books, Critical Race Theory (VIDEO)

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Louden County, Virginia parents blasted a school board over sexually explicit books being pushed on 14-year-old freshman students.

The parents also demanded the toxic critical race theory curriculum pushed on the young students be completely banned.

Critical Race Theory is a neo-Marxist, anti-Christian, anti-white theory being used to abuse and indoctrinate children in schools across the US.

One black mother lashed out at the school board for allowing critical race theory in the classrooms: “[Critical race theory] is not an honest dialogue — it is a tactic used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves,”

Loudoun County Public Schools is also under fire for raunchy “pornographic” books assigned to 14-year-olds – FOURTEEN YEARS OLD!