
DNC: “President Biden Defies Expectations (AGAIN), Delivers Results in Afghanistan”

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The Democratic National Committee has released a statement praising Joe Biden after he “defied expectations” in Afghanistan.

The DNC credits Biden for taking “the steps necessary to finally end a 20-year long war”. This is a disgusting lie.

DNC: President Biden has defied expectations and exceeded even his own administration’s goal in successfully ramping up evacuations from Afghanistan. Not only has President Biden evacuated nearly 60,000 people from Kabul with no American casualties, but he has taken the steps necessary to finally end a 20-year long war, bring Americans home, and keep our promise to our Afghan partners.

The Democratic National Committee wants you to know: It’s been a success. pic.twitter.com/Y1y8D7z8Si

— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 24,