
Pelosi’s GOP Spy: RINO Liz Cheney Chosen as Vice Chair for Pelosi’s Sham Jan. 6th Commission

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On Thursday, RINO sellout Liz Cheney was appointed to leadership within the sham Jan. 6th select committee. The unhinged congresswoman will now serve as the vice chair of Pelosi’s partisan clown show.

The committee chairman – Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson – picked Cheney for the position because she has been so committed to “doing whatever it takes” to railroad Trump supporters and dissenters throughout the bogus investigation.

It also doesn’t hurt that she still masquerades as a Republican, which allows the deep state and the bootlicking media to falsely claim that their witch-hunt for political dissenters is “bi-partisan.”

As Michael Knowles would say: “She is a court jester Conservative in the kingdom of liberalism.”

According to Thompson:

“[Cheney’s] demonstrated again and again her commitment to getting answers about January 6th,