
Did Those Calling for ‘Indigenous Day’ Instead of Columbus Day Remember The Indigenous Land Stolen by Muslims in the Middle East?

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Ezequiel Doiny drafted an oped at the Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) for those calling for Indigenous Day instead of Columbus Day in the US. 

Below are some excerpts from his article:

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, Arutz Sheva reported that “Justice Bilhha Yahalom of the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that silent prayers on the Temple Mount cannot be construed as a criminal act, and ordered police to drop a restraining order imposed on Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, who had been barred from the Mount over his silent prayers.” This , as to be expected, angered Jordan.

Several days later, the site reported that the “Jerusalem District Court accepts police appeal against Magistrate Court ruling permitting Jews to pray silently on Temple Mount,” providing Hamas with a reason to celebrate – which they did.