
Exclusive Interview: Winter Soldier Norman Pattis Files Motion for New Proud Boys Trial Arguing There Was Insufficient Evidence to Convict

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In the midst of new crises that continue to try our souls, famed Attorney Norman Pattis steps into the fray. 

In his most recent battle, the motion was made for a new trial in the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy case — the central point of contention being that there was insufficient evidence to convict.

As was previously explained in great detail, government prosecutors redefined the very basics of what evidence is necessary to constitute a conspiracy — relying on a standard that requires absolutely no proof of planning.

But the egregious affronts to acceptable legal standards didn’t end there.

As some are aware, the recent trial took place amid what Attorney Pattis refers to as an “unseemly amount of negative publicity instigated by Congress and the President of the United States.”

“In no other circumstances would principle representatives of a party,