
The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, and Several TGP Writers Nominated for American Liberty Awards: Recognized for Their Commitment to Truth

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The American Liberty Awards recently unveiled their list of nominations online, recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions in championing the truth. Among the notable names featured are Jim Hoft, Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, and other truth-seeking entities.

The Gateway Pundit, a conservative news outlet known for its bold commentary and coverage, has been nominated in the esteemed Most Trusted Print Media category. The nomination underscores the publication’s dedication to delivering news that resonates with its audience and providing them with a reliable source of information.

The Gateway Pundit has done and accomplished some remarkable things, including:

  1. The Gateway Pundit has reported for over a year now on the ERIC voter roll system that is used in 30-32 states.