
Hamtramck, Michigan: All Muslim Council Fires Two City Commissioners for Violating “Pride” Flag Ban

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Last month the all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan voted unanimously to ban “religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group” flags from being flown by the government on city property while specifying the five flags allowed to be flown: “the American flag, the flag of the State of Michigan, the Hamtramck Flag, the Prisoner of War flag and the nations’ flags that represent the international character of our City.” (Previous TGP report).

The vote during so-called “Pride Month” caused an uproar among liberals in the city and state. While the “Pride” flag was not the only flag banned, it is the one that liberals have had a meltdown over. Three weeks ago, lesbian Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) spoke at a rally in Hamtramck opposing the flag ban,