
The Spectre of Michelle Obama — Roger Stone Lays Out Frightening Scenario While Speaking to Turning Point USA

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ROGER STONE MICHELLE OBAMARoger Stone says Michelle Obama will be the Democrat Presidential Nominee in 2024

A spectre is haunting the United States of America — the spectre of Michelle Obama.

Roger Stone broke the news on Sunday.

“As a veteran of many years in American politics, I’m going to tell you something somewhat shocking,” Stone told a full house at yesterday’s Turning Point USA event in Florida, “Joe Biden will not be the nominee of the Democratic Party in 2024.”

Stone said that while he expects Kamala Harris to serve a brief stint as President, her tenure wouldn’t be long lasting.

“The only way, in their (Democrat) party that they can replace a woman of color, is with another woman of color,” the genius of political strategy further explained.