
Bill Maher Joins Joe Rogan’s Podcast: An Unfiltered Conversation on the State of Modern Liberalism (VIDEO)

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Bill Maher, the outspoken comedian and host of HBO’s “Real Time with Maher,” appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast this Saturday to discuss a range of issues, including the evolving nature of liberalism, wokeness, and the state of American society. The two heavy-hitters dived deep into the changing tides of political ideology and its impact on society.

Rogan highlighted Maher’s nonconformity, stating, “I think they look at you like a guy who they’re worried about because you don’t toe the line.”

Rogan also compared Maher to a ’90s liberal—someone who still upholds the traditional tenets of liberalism that are now considered outdated by modern leftists.

“You’re like a 90s liberal. You’re like liberals back when they were more reasonable,