
Vaccine? No, it’s Long-Long Covid – ‘Experts’ Publish Warning That Covid Can Kill For Up to TWO YEARS Post-Infection

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Voldemort isn’t the only unspeakable word that starts with a ‘v.’ At least not for the so-called medical “experts” who dictated the entire Covid shamdemic and the authoritarian gene therapy injection rollout.

Ron Johnson Claims COVID Was ‘Pre-Planned by Elite Group, Citing Event 201’ in Connection with Johns Hopkins Center, WEF, and Gates Foundation Exercise (VIDEO)

With each passing day, more and more evidence becomes available that shows the massive amount of deaths that have been attributed to Covid, as well as the massive uptick in overall death rates, have been caused by the vaccine itself. And with more otherwise-healthy people dropping dead by the day, the same experts who touted the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA jab are now issuing an urgent warning to anyone who has had Covid in the past two years.