
Tucker on Twitter Ep. 27: Tucker Carlson and Victor Davis Hanson Discuss ‘Grotesque Parody’ of US Legal System as Trump Attends NY Court in Front of Laughing Judge and Glaring AG

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President Trump spent the weekend campaigning in front of massive crowds in California and Iowa.

On Monday he flew to New York City where he was called to court in another junk lawsuit hurled at him by Democrats.

During the hearing this morning in the Democrats’ continued lawfare assault against the leading candidate in the 2024 election, Judge Arthur Engoron started laughing.

Even worse, inept New York State Attorney General Letitia James sat glaring at President Trump during the process from two rows back.

By the time the hearing was over 80% of Letitia’s case was tossed out after she was unable to understand statute of limitations rules.

It was a clown show for sure and a mockery our US legal system.  » READ MORE