
FLASHBACK: Leftists Called for Unrest, Violence Against Trump Supporters, Trump’s Assassination, Blowing Up The White House – The Same People Want to Bring Radical Jihad to Your Neighborhood (VIDEO)

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The radical left politicians and media personalities cheering on the violence by Hamas terrorists in Israel have an extensive history of supporting similar violence based on personal beliefs here in America.

Democrats have used their Black Lives Matter and Antifa minions to advance their agenda by terrorizing Americans for over a decade since Trayvon Martin’s death in 2012. Don’t forget the “Summer of Love” in 2020, where the radical left domestic terrorists murdered innocent bystanders and police, bankrupting American small businesses with billions of dollars in damage as they burned and looted cities. Or the pro-abortion radicals who threatened Supreme Court Justices from outside their homes last summer at the behest of Chuck Schumer.

Never mind the countless assaults and beatings that they’ve encouraged against conservatives in the streets for openly standing with Trump.