
Election Interference: FBI Director Chris Wray Admits Withholding the Truth About the Hunter Biden Laptop from the American Public Helped Protect Joe Biden During Election Season (VIDEO)

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In a high-stakes hearing today, FBI Director Christopher Wray faced intense questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee members regarding the potential renewal of key surveillance powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

These powers, allegedly crucial to the bureau’s national security operations but controversial for their overreach, are set to expire this month amidst a swirling debate over privacy rights and government oversight.

Senator Kennedy (R-LA) steered the discussion towards a more contentious topic: the FBI’s handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Why didn’t the FBI just say, hey, the laptop’s real?” Senator Kennedy asked. “Why didn’t you just tell everybody the laptop’s real. We’re not vouching for what’s on it, but it’s real. This isn’t a fiction.”

Kennedy continued,